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— hM Date 1927 1931 1932 193? 1939 1199 3M9O 19 MO 19M2 19 Ul 19 Ml 19M2 19 M2 19 M2 19M2 19 M3 19M3 19 M3 19 M3 1199 MM35 19 M5 1199M M65 19 M6 (1) 19M7 19M7 19 M7 19M7 V.O.No. 16P5 199 3MM 375 3«6 3M9037 3M8l 86 Ml 6 M31 MM3M76 M52 M6M M6g M69 M73 M75 515 516 522 552 5MM770 567 57M 576 LAS VE&AS LAUD AMD WATER COMPANY P rop erty embraced, in water d is t r ib u t io n system at Las Vegas, Nevada, S h e e t 3 A - A dd ition s B 3 Betterm ents S ize 19 M8 593 6" 19 M8 59 M H 19 MS 595 It 19 MS 597 H 19 MS 599 It 19M8 606 It 19 MS 612 H 19M9 56s It 19 M9 60S H 19 M9 6lM If 19M9 616 N 19M9 617 It 19M9 622 n I9M9 62M it 19M9 628 tt 3" it11 itnn it it it 11 it it n H itn 11 it it itn H 11 itn it 11 N It It ItH It It It H Itn nhn it it it it H It H It It It II II It It It It IIHn uit it H It It It It It ItH It fln it it H It It H It It H It H It It tt It It It It It II It It It Itn si ?e o f p ip e e• •e : No. o f : : u n its : Investment c o s t e•• e O rig in a l c o s t in p la c e as o f to date o f p rop erty s December 31. 19M9. ! Kind ee t U nits •i e• T otal : Unit s : p r ic e : Amount s• e• Total : o r ig in a l c o s t • X9 $ $ $ $ p ip e L in . F t. 2,680 8,IMS. 60 A S,lM8.60 s,iMs.6o It 11 2,682 8,727.33 A 8,727.33 8,727.33 It it 650 2,002.12 A 2,002.12 2,002.12 It it 7M0 2,288.81 A 2,288.81 2,288.81 ft If 2,200 6,093.60 A 6,093.60 6,093.60 ft n 860 2.MM7.5M A 2.MM7.5M 2.MM7.5M It - it 720 2,292.98 A 2,292.98 2,292.98 It 11 1.7M6 6,390.86 A 6,390.86 6,390.86 It it 2,650 7,889.20 A 7,889.20 7,889.20 It If 12,625 2M,0S6.57 A 2M.086.57 2M,O86.57 It H 90M 2,827.11 A 2,827.11 2,827.11 tt H 600 1.763.Mo A 1.763.MO 1,763.MO h It 1.073 3,660,00 A 3,660.00 3,660.00 tt H 926 2.925.97 A 2,925.97 2,925.97 ft It 960 3.500.00 A 3.500.00 3.500.00 T ota l 6H c a s t ir o n 152.62s 328.OOM.6M 305.06l.60 M5.7S2.8S 350.gMM.M8 p ip e L in .F t, M.396 6,898.81 A 6,898.81 6,898,81 tt a 122 309.M2 A 309. M2 309. M2 tt 11 300 M82.19 B 2.30 69O.OO 690.00 ft 11 27 65.66 B 2.70 72.90 72.90 tl n 8M0 1.1M7.3M B 2.70 2,268.00 2,268.00 ft it 1,281 1,605.20 B 2.70 3.M58.70 3.M58.70 It H 5,00S 6,635.M7 B 2.85 lM,272.80 1M.272.80 It H 3.990 5,162.82 B 2.85 11,371.50 11,371.50 tt It I.M9M 3.351.28 A 3.351.28 3,351.28 it It 10,220 12,567.MO B 2.90 29,638.00 29,638.00 11 It 930 2.697.7M A 2.697.7M 2.697.7M tt It 2,620 M.939.0M A M.939.0M M.939.0M it It 2.670 7.0M3.68 A 7.0M3.68 7.OM3.6S ft It 1,780 M,lM6.52 A M.1M6.52 M,lM6.52 11 If 690 1,601.20 A 1,601.20 1,601.20 it It 3,800 10,218.20 A 10,2L 8.20 10,218.20 A II 3.825 ll.l67.M8 A 11,167.Mg 11,167.MS It ft 3.375 10,281.25 A 10,281.25 10,281.25 It n 1,260 3.53M.79 A 3.53M.79 3.53M.79 tt n 1.505 M.2M0.15 A M.2M0.15 M.2M0.15 H ft 2,880 9,698.11 A 9,698.11 9,698.11 tt it 1.055 M.5M7.33 A M.5M7.33 M, 5M7.33 ft It 270 862.15 A 862.15 862.15 n tt 360 953.07 A 953.07 953.07 tt it 2,016 5,608.63 A 5.60s.63 5,608.63 tt it M75 1,270.50 A 1,505.35 1,505.35 tt 11 270 7M5.OO A 7M5.00 7M5.OO it n 1.835 8.9M3.MS A 8.9M3.M8 8.9M3.M8 it H 360 1.26M.12 A 1.26M.12 1.2 6 M .12 ( l ) $2 3 M.35 assumed by Development Co, 1 -