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R cmc o e M o s s C o m p 9 n 9 5 9 E A S T 4TH S T R E E T L o s A n g e l e s , C a l . f W E L L C O N T R A C T O R S Nj R E N T A L TOOLS) Log of Well No... ............. ...... Drilled for..X_..A.._.'S;...S...-L....HX._...Q.Q_»______ . ................. 0f.... .^a'§s.»....l[evada... Started work-,____.?.®.k*..-1.6..»...._l ....... _________ .___ /...... Completed work__j^Z. YZ.ZfJJv*......... ._.... ^2-____________-----__ Total depth.................. ...........................1........... ............. ...... .^2"v— ..ft. of....-1-^..inch---- #8.. ? gauge casing used.... j.left in Well i-5-7-2— •• 12 •• #10 xxx, .............. 5721 ., w .. Type of Perforator used... —?(n.Q.t-P-erlog.ated) /.feY " B 7 ..13-.’./v;; Perforated.^--:M&^ » i^ ;„.;L.ft. to..^^,—..... X ft —X-~i£-.„.......Holes per.-.j£_inches Make diagram o f perforation in s q u a re , showing dimensions. Diameter of Perforations.......................... inches Length of Perforations ...............>_...... .......... ...............Anches Depth at which water was first found........... . ,— y S H i ^ p . l j 2 ....ft. Standing level before perforating.................................... ft. Standing level after perforating........................... ...^^^^......1^ ^ .^ . Note below your observation of aiiy change in water level while drilling.......... .,-,£’ main flow,, 560’ - 635' W ater level when first started Test.....„.^M^S.........................Jxfi|L-ft. D raw down from standing level..................................................... ft. No. of gallons per minute pumped when Test first started............... :. No. of gallons per minute pumped when Test completed........... . D raw down at completion of Test.....™................................................ft. Formation: Mention size of water gravel— .......Q ...ft. to... 23 ft. lime rook mm a 23 30 .. Gypsum 7 B ........... 3 Q - . - .....3.2.....‘\..L.ime.....r.G.Q.k.......... v >/ 32 •• 55 •• Gypsum I I 3 , 55 •• 58 •• Lime rock 3 1 m ................ ..... 5.8 . - 1...125.....••...Clay............. J..... 125 | 130 •• lime rock E m m .................. 130 .. 235 •• Clay 235 •• 238 •• Lime rock 238 •• 252 •• Clay-lime-shale id- / ...... 1... 252 256 •• lime rock A v Z ................ 256 - 290 .. Clay m..r « — ? 290 •• 418 .. Gravel & "boulders \ y% S 418 .. 439 .. Clay ........ m § 439 •• 450 •• Gravel ....... r d H ... 1......... 450 - 474 •• lime rock m ......... 474 M 560 •• Clay %(a .................... ....5.6.0... “ ... 635 “ Cement firavel ..........2 1 ......................... If reducing strings of casing were cut off, state how cut.................. ....i.................... . Depth from surface cut....^^...:.......,._..i......-;........ft. Size of casing cut... ...... .......... ............. Lap in larger casing../....................... .Y....^......ft. Was adapter or cement used?..............J~Ws............. iya'Jv............... ...... _____ W . i i i i -i • Make drawing o f adapt-ca sin g w a s s w e d g e d o r re p a ire d , state depth, d escrib e re p a irs er in square, showing and condition in which casing was left and probable future effect: dimensions. Is well straight, top to bottom, and if not, what is the variation.. .......-a.... W ill there be any detrimental effect on pump, and if so, what effect.. Give any additional data which may be of future value.. Driller must fill in report as work progresses and report must be complete for his successor. Date of report...... .M.S3f~-5Q.^„..1.9 24..*._______________________ _______..... Al# Wright. D riller.