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L o s A \ O E L E § , November 15, 1924, Union Paoifio Company, ATTENTION: Mr, D« H, Ray Room 470, Paoifio E lectric Building, Los Angeles, C alifornia. Gentlemen: - A L L Q U O T A T IO N S A R E FO R IM M E D IA T E A C C E P T A N C E SU B JE C T TO C H A N G E OR W IT H D R A W A L W IT H O U T N O T IC E . A L L A G R E E M E N TS A R E C O N T IN G E N T O N S T R IK E S . A C C ID E N T S , D E LA Y S BY M IL L S OR C OM MON C A R R IE R S OR O TH E R D E LA Y S U N A V O ID A B L E O R B E YO N D O U R C O N T R O L . A L L Q U O T A T IO N S A N D A G R E E M E N TS S U B JE C T TO S A T IS F A C T O R Y A R R A N G E M E N T S W IT H O U R C R E D IT D E P AR TM E N T. Confirming conversation over telephone this morning, we are pleased to quote as follow s: We propose to furnish 1800 feet of 24" riv e ted pipe made of 3/l6" steel, double riveted in sections approximately 24 feet to 25 feet long, with s lip joints, dipped, for the sum o f - THREE DOLLARS AND THIRTY CENTS............................... (#3.30) per foot. We have this material in stock and could make fa ir ly prompt delivery of same. We are unable to t e ll the exact cost o f laying this pipe but we judge that this work would run approximately #200.00 or #300.00, i f pipe was la id above ground. Thanking you fbr your inquiry and hoping that we w ill hear from you regarding the above, we are, 1 2 - e , \ Very truly yours, M l t v \ t f '® ! LLEWELLYN IRON WORKS M A. P. LEWIS ! l A cj 3 ’ \ ?> *