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Form 30—A i.c. S .- - V J *•11-11,000—u Pf, W O R K O R D E R A U T H O R IT Y FOR P R O P E R TY R E TIR E D A N D R E P L A C E D UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION ________ W. G. McAdoo, Director General of Railroads. > Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad --------- i & g a l a g -----------------------------------D i v i s i o n T n g g Oot. -191-8. at_ Authority is requested for the expenditure of $ 25 295,19 -las Yagas, ffsvada.______________________ (.S ta tio n o r L o c a tim j Third Mstriot, Valuation Section Ho. 10 for (Description of W o rk ) Replacing 18M riveted steel pipe line from reservoir to north line of Main Street, with 16” vitrified pipe encased in concrete and renewing and re-arranging water line to stand pipe and coach hydrants, as shown by detailed estimate (Forms 30-1 and 3 0 -2 ) and plan attached hereto N e w Y o rk O ffic e ____ P re sid e nt’s _No._ j(^a iS ^jM W in A g 3 irQ ^_ N o . - 1965 Rsv. G eneral Supt.’s -N o.- Supt. o f M. P. & M .’s -N o.- C h ie f E n a in e e r’s No. “FlU^ye_M s O f W «No. 17-82 Rov Reasons why the Expenditure is recommended: The IS" riveted steel pipe line laid in 1905 has rusted out to such an extent that it can no longer he repaired and must he replaced. This is a revised estimate, comparison with original estimate being as follows* Total Est. Expend, 23 295,19 15 251*85 0,a, .-‘•at. & & a. 16 588,72 16 647f68 51 237985,.1895 Salvage 1 428,28 0.00 Rev* Form 30 Ho, 17-82 Form 30 Ho. 17-82 H Additional Amt, Required, 8 043,36 58,96 6 674,04 1 428,28 The original steel pipe line was replaced with a vitrified clay pipe which proved, after being laid, to he too light to withstand the hydrostatic pressure and the excess amount was expended in the endeavor to so. reinforce it with concrete as to mate it serviceable. This work now completed in so far as the amount of "Total Estimated Expenditures $23 295,19" is concerned; this estimate being based on actual expenditures recorded in Auditor*s Form 10-14 to date Oct. 23, 1918.A Part of L. A, & S. L, Miscellaneous Budget Item Ho. 6 1. T o ta l e s tim a te d e x p e nd itu res (.Form 30-1) - - - - - - - - - - - 2. L e s s -E s tim a te d C ost o f R em oval o f P ro p e rty, M a in ta in in g T ra ffic , etc., c h a rg e a b le to O p e ra tin g Expenses P ro p o rtio n payable by __________________ ____________________________________ 3. T o ta l e s tim a te d a m o u n t c h a rg e a b le to “ in v e s tm e n t in Road and E q u ip m e n t” - 4 . Less— C re d it to “ in v e s tm e n t In R oad and E q u ip m e n t” fo r Ledger V a lu e o f P ro p e rty to be R etired (Form 30-2) Operating Expenses - - ilG 590,27 Material on hand—Store Dept. - 541 oOO Chargeable as follows: \ ,« again this work Total - 5. A d d itio n a l a m o u n t c h a rg e a b le to “ in v e s tm e n t in Road and E q u ip m e n t” 6. Appropriated for Expenditure during the calendar year 1 9 lR __ 887,28 17 818,55 - $23 295.19 198.45 $25 096.74 17 818,55 $ 5 278,19 $ 5 278.19 ! ( L a b o r I 6 880,48 T o ta l e s tim a te d Expenditure (Ite m 1) -{ M ate ria l $ 16 414,71 ( Total $ Z3 2 9 5 * 1 9 Less— D o n a tion s, G rants or P ro p o rtio n payable by $ NET ESTIMATED COST OF WORK TO RAILROAD COMPANY $ 23 295,19 C o rre c t- R ecom m ended by R ecom m ended A pproved_____ DIYISIi fitTHUM MAGUIRE \ am i Calculati^ H | ! S M l W correct C. C. DEC 1 9 1918 Date- | A uditor _, 191-