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I agree.m m o m pipe life installed as u s vm m *****..... ... Lob AngelMesC* EDe.c..1N0v, F i l s 613 ? m 1/ WLm 0* f* H U l . . j f f 1 emlose herewith some e or regpon&ence which 1 have received tram Mr* Foster concerning redwood pip* lias installed at Las Tsgasi j0 ‘ It Is noted tiie pips Copglay states the actual length of pipe installed is 4031*9”* M t is oentrgjfy to the under atmding we obtained when on the ground* We thought S? ft*/$ess than 4000 had been fyfy* ty||ll _L you please investigate and"%dvi#e* also advise if the ectr^'^ts referred!; o in ^•Poster*s letter am/c© iv;aa3| raceived and if they are required* k r *o -> j7