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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, Cal., Inly 9th, 1907. WATER CRAJE. LAS VEGAS. BSTwEFfl E. IEBQUlh & QUTBQUKh TRACKS.. File 4»Q3r Mr. T.S uPp.e riCnultleennd,ent, / Los Angeles, Cal. Lear Sir;- Replying to your letter of July 6th., 1907, upon the subject of putting up a 6 inch watdr crane at Las Vegas between the East Inbound and Outbound engine tracks instead of putting up a standard 10” Sheffield Crane. | After farther considering the matter 1 am now convinced that it would be a “mistake to fut in a 6” crane which has only one third the delivering capacity of a 10” and send back the form with request that authority to erect a 10” crane be asked for I might also inforft y4u that the Gen' 1 Manager favors the larger crane. \ I suggest also that the crane be included in the esti­mate for track changes in Las Vegas Yard, authority for which was asked in form #30, !o.349, L. A. Livision. Yours truly. EGT/CWS Chief Engineer.