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I agree.Fox® 30 Water C o#l3um5n3_ L_,_A_,_d_i_v_i_s_i_o_n File 501-t* Hr.' T.P.Cullen, Superintendent. / City. / Dear Sir;- / Referring to .Form 30 HO./353 L.A.Division covering proposed 6” water column at Las Vegas/"between East inbound and outbound engine tracks. / The standard size'water column on the system is ten inches in diameter; that size having been adopted in order that quick service might be rendered, and it/does not seem to be desirable to put in a smaller size at Ve a lower outlay unless there is some very strong reason for doing so. Therefore I return to you without my approval the form in order that you may give further consideration to the matter of size of witter column. Yours truly, Los Angeles, Cal. July 3rd,1907. Chief Engineer