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    f o # I -V such extension to he h e re a fte r constructed by said c it y ; and also to load and unload goods, wares and merchandise in to and from such v e s s e ls from and upon said wharf, and such extension th e re o f, and to re c e iv e and land passengers thereon, and to handle such goods, wares and merchandise on said wharf, and such extension th e re o f, and to sto re or otherwise prepare such goods, wares and merchandise fo r shipment by such v e s s e ls , or fo r tra n sp ortation from said wharf by r a ilro a d , or oth erw ise, in the tr a n s it shed or sheds to be con stru ct­ed by said c i t y on and adjacent to said wharf. And the a fo resa id p o rtio n o f said wharf, and the extension th e r e o f, is hereby designated and assigned as a berth or landing fo r the use o f ve ss e ls owned, or c o n tro lle d and operated by the said Arner1can-law aitan Steamship Company. Sec. 3, That th is permit is granted and s h a ll at a l l times be held and exercised by said grantee subject to the fo llo w in g terms and con dition s: F ir s t : That the a fo re s a id p o rtio n o f said wharf, and extension th e re o f, s h a ll be used fo r the docking and mooring o f v e ss e ls owned or c o n tro lle d and operated by the said Ameriean- Hawaiian Steamship Company, and said Ameriean-Hawaiian Steamship Company s h a ll have the r ig h t to rec e iv e and land passengers; and to load and unload such v essels and to handle goods, wares and merchandise loaded in to and unloaded from such v e ss e ls at and over such wharf, and extension th e re o f, and to sto re goods, wares and merchandise to be loaded in to or discharged from such v e s s e ls , and to p ro te c t or otherwise prepare the same fo r shipment in the tr a n s it shed or sheds to be constructed by the C ity o f Los Angeles on and adjacent to said p o rtio n o f said wharf and the a fo re s a id extension 9 . th e r e o f; provided, however, that whenever said p ortion o f said wharf, or it s extension, or said tr a n s it shed or sheds, or any part th e re o f, are not requ ired for. the use o f the said Ameriean- Hawaiian Steamship Company fo r the purposes a fo re s a id , the said $ag0samMM8&afmt. - 2 -