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    Ordinance Ho. 28.553. C 0 ,P Y (le w S e rie s ) BOARD Of HARBOR COMHISSIOHERS’ ORDER Ho.9. An Order o f the Board o f Harbor Commissioners o f the C ity o f lo s Angeles design atin g and assign in g a berth or landing fo r the use o f v e ssels owned, or c o n tro lle d and operated by the American-Hawaiian Steam­ship Company, a corporation , at that c e rta in wharf constructed by the C ity of lo s Angeles and known as the Mormon Islan d Channel Wharf, and gran ting said company perm ission to load and unload such vessels a t said wharf, and to re c e iv e and land passengers, and to handle and store goods, wares and merchandise at said Y/harf, and in tr a n s it -sheds on and adjacent th e r e to . I t is hereby ordered by the Board o f Harbor Commissioners as fo llo w s : Section 1. That the permission and p r iv ile g e h erein granted s h a ll take e f fe c t from the date h ereo f, and s h a ll continue fo r the p eriod o f f if t e e n (15) years from and a ft e r the completion o f the wharf and tr a n s it sheds h e re in a fte r mentioned, togeth er w ith the approaches th ereto , or o f the occupation o f said wharf by the grantee i f such occupation s h a ll take place b efo re completion th e re o f. Sec. £. That, su bject to the terms and con ditions h erein ­a ft e r set fo r th , the permission and p r iv ile g e is hereby granted to the Ameriean-H&Waiian Steamship Company, acorporation, to use as a berth or landing place fo r ve ss e ls owned, or c o n tro lle d and opei&ted by said company the sou therly eig h t hundred (800) fe e t o f th at c e rta in wharf constructed and owned by the C ity o f Los Angeles, situ a ted along the pierhead lin e between United States S tation s 466 and 468, and lo ca ted along the w e s te rly side o f th at c e rta in channel o f lo s Angeles Harbor known as the Mormon Islan d Channel, and designated as " S lip Ho. One o f the Inner H arbor." And also to use fo r such purpose the extension o f said wharf in a southw esterly d ire c tio n along said pierhead lin e fo r a distance o f four hundred (400) fe e t towards said S tation 468,