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    OPINION No. 2399. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. No. 4631. I N T H E M A T T E R O F T H E I N V E S T I G A T I O N O F A L L E G E D I R R E G U L A R I T I E S A N D D IS C R E P A N C IE S I N T H E W E I G H I N G O F F R E I G H T B Y C A R R IE R S S U B J E C T T O T H E A C T T O R E G U L A T E C O M M E R C E . Submitted May 16, 1913. Decided June 18, 1918. 1. Inaccuracies in weighing result in the imposition o f unreasonable charges and in discrimination between shippers just as really as do differences in the freight rate itself. 2. The record herein discloses that a majority o f the track scales now in use should be at once rebuilt in order to obtain reasonably accurate results. I t is also apparent that many additional scales should be installed. 3. A modern scale, properly installed and kept in proper condition, should be accurate within at least 100 pounds, and when under test it shows a variation o f 100 pounds or more it should be considered out o f order. A ll scales should be tested by the test car at least once in two months; in many cases every month. 4. Cars should never be weighed in motion coupled at both ends. They may properly be weighed in motion when- uncoupled upon scales especially designed for that purpose and in charge o f thoroughly competent men. Cars should not ordinarily be weighed when coupled a t one end, and never unless at points where the greatest attention is paid to the condi­tion o f the scale and the- competency o f the weighmaster. 5. A prolific source o f error is the wrong stenciling o f the tare weight of cars; when the car weighs more than the stenciled tare the shipper loses, while when the car weighs less than the stenciled tare the shipper gains. Correction o f , an erroneous stenciled weight is by a proper reweighing o f the car at stated times. 6. Inaccuracies in weighing particular commodities, such as grain, coal, and lumber, discussed and various remedies considered; and criticism o f certain team-track weighing made. 7. General rules and practices o f carriers whereby large amounts of carload freight are exempted from all weighing whatsoever considered and vari­ous criticisms and recommendations thereon made. 8. Remedies for the defects in weighing revealed by this investigation dis­cussed at length, and the opinion advanced, that some federal tribunal, perhaps this Commission, should be given authority in the following respects: (a ) To fix the points at which track scales shall be installed; (6 ) to prescribe the standard o f such scales and their installation; (c ) to test dr supervise the testing o f such scales; and (d ) to supervise the operation. 28 I. C. O. 7 95621— IS---- 1