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    M m iii JAN 5 1928 Water Bights -R ailroad, Lincoln County, Nevada, Los Angeles, December 29, 1927. Mr. R, L, Adamson: We have carefu lly checked over a ll o f the water sources enumerated in the Abstract submitted November 17th, and the supplemental Abstract submitted with yours o f December 27th. FIVE MIL.ES SPRING the rights heretofore acquired in Five Miles Spring, Nos, 1, 2 and 3, are apparently abandoned, as a non­user o f water fo r a period o f fiv e years constitutes an abandon­ment in Nevada* ACOMA The Well at Acoma is located on the Railroad * s right-of-w ay. The water that accumulates in th is e l l is per-culating water and belongs to the owner o f the s o ilj the State Engineer has no ju risd ictio n over water o f this character, and the Railroad’ s t it le thereto cannot be successfully assailed. Source No. 4 apparently has been abandoned. Nos. 5 to 14 do not appear to be in c o n flict with any railroad righ ts. No. 15 apparently has been abandoned* No* 16 is not in c o n flic t. No* 17 (The Edwards and Freudenthal appro­priation fo r mining and m illing purposes -Big Springs) i f ever valid for any purpose, has long since been abandoned by reason o f non-user, and has no p rio rity over the railroad appropriation.