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I agree.bcc: Mr . E . c . Renwick Mr. G. A. Cunningham Mr. w. R. Tyler Mr. T. E. Hammill Mr. R. D. Smith % *%9 W . I K. JAN 131969 January 9, 1969 State of Nevada Division of Water Resources 201 South Fall Street Carson City, Nevada 89701 Attention: Mr. Roland D. Westergsrd Re: Application No. 24550 Gentlemen: I have just been advised by my client, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company, that the relocation of the well, pursuant to this application, has been indefinitely postponed because of difficulties in arranging appropriate street locations in this industrial area. As a consequence, I am writing to inquire whether there is some way that the present application, since we have not been advised that it has been allowed, can be held in abeyance until a final determination has been made concerning street locations. Your early advice will be appreciated. Sincerely, W. BRUCE BECKLEY