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WATEK RESOURCES OP CALIFORNIA. ieal departure from the general average. The larger the areas compared d u a lly the closer is the agreement of numerical values in the records of use. From the average use o f water on large areas, sufficiently great to suppress the predominance o f effects peculiar to small parcels8 natural divisions of the state, sixteen m number, have been ? ? and called duty of water sections. .T h e* sections comprise S h i n their boundaries, lands of approximately like geographic position similar surface conformation, of analogous economic environment, and equal climate, and so form convenient segregations for the dis-m m m i i M W l l B I m m I M I Water Sections,” the boundaries o f these B B 2 £ S 3 £ £ S 2 £ ? ' w S S n S o f i f e * red indicate th ^ location o f individual irrigation systems or of divers tracts of land for which data on the actual use o f uses have been collected by these investigations. A searching inquiry of the use of water has been made and water measurements h fre b e «i assembled applying to an area fkat equa %™ese records are the sum-mation of the labors ot a ° decades These extensive that cover the major portion of the last t^ o d e °a^e ^a - <<B ” to this data are included with pertinent material ^ Appendix examination of the circumstances and . , section. All tions were made, surrounding j a a B B I S0ils information on the types and fertility of soils, tthhee ccrrooppss g8 rown, atnhde climate, the water supply, the surface con entg was reviewed all other rela t^ ^ y r r ig a t i T uses B water. _ Prac-and compared with the measurea anu p f supplies in each tical working q u a n tity required of “ “ “ “ J § | A g r ic u lt u r a l Area section were so evolved and recorded m Table A M 8 B M I The a S N^t Duty of Water in the Sixteen M M M 1 — I H total area of. agricultural land m eac se location on table and numbers are given to each section that sho theT hmeaspe , pPrlaacteti cHalI . w. orking qnantities m TTaabblee 2 that set fo^rth ^the are general water needs of the agnc _ , unit area of cropped expressed as the 1 Originally an expression land and are named the Duty 0 • would irrigate when for the area of land that a measure of M j M H W W M i l B m flowing continuously through the — j the ?S m “ Duty of the first meaning and m oreconvenm ntyutibzes | mWaterX” toM nameB theI IquMantitym of J JMl ^ X ^ nitlSUy suplpilyl Mto the soijl PLATE m