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I agree.\ TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE LETTE R OF T R A N S M I T T A L _ _ ^ R l __.^— ______ ____________________ 5 LETTE R FROM TH E CONSULTING BO ARD TO TH E MEMBERS OF T H E LEG ISLATU RE . - £ ____ jBAI_______ 7 ACKNOWLEDGMENT _____ -B p M B _______ . ^ j W R 1 -A- . X... 8 FO REW ORD ______ B j t X —S B - . ____ X jfflP ________ ? 9 ORGANIZATION - : .A y .... ......... . X l H H . ______________ vi ; g A ; _______^ 11 CH APTER 889 OF T H E STATUTES OF 1921 ________________________ 13 L IS T OF TAB LES— .._____________________ ,-Jjl_________‘ _________ - _____ _ 15 LIST OF P L A T B S -Im ^ _____________ . ?-Xa«£- . . . A . XX_____ 15 Chapter I. Recommendations to the Legislature Of 1923___' __________ ___________________ 17 Chapter II. California_____ 1_______ — ________ :_______________„ ________________.___ 19 Chapter III. Climate" _______________________________ _________ _______________________ : 24 Chapter IV. The State’s Waters__^^i . ^|k|i iLa! i^|!^— : 1 27 Chapter V. Utilization of the State’s Waters____— —1 ___ ___________, _________ 34 Chapter VI. Comprehensive Plan for Achieving the Maximum Service from the Waters of the State « , aJ L I X . -iliXI. W jB | X X , ,.J~_______ _ 39 Chapter VII. Settlement ______ __________ M 3 .... .__ -_________ BjHWj ..... H -____BL'!; 52