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Water supply - Kelso Memorandum Mr . Pett i t : R e fe r rin g to Mr. Adamson’ s l e t t e r o f A p ril ^th: The law r e la t in g to ap p ro p riatio n o f water in the State o f C a lifo r n ia is contained in Section 1^10 and fo llo w in g section s o f the C iv il Code, and b r i e f l y is as fo llo w s : The use o f water may be acquired by a p p rop riation . F ir s t appropriator has p r io r - ||0 i t y . Appropriation is completed by c o s tin g C D n o tic e sharing__number o f inches claimed under a fo u r-in c h p re ssu re, purpose and intended use o f a p p ro p ria tio n , and means o f d iv e rs io n . & cony o f the n o tic e must ba _re corded in the County R ecord er’ s o f f i c e in th e c o u n ty where the n o tice is posted, and w ith in s ix ty days a ft e r the p ostin g o f the n o tic e the claimant must commence excavation or con stru ction of works, e t c ., and must prosecute the work | di l i g e n t l y to comjpletjnn. By 'com pletion' is meant conducting the water to the p lace o f intended use. F a ilu r e to complete the work d ep rives the claim ant o f the rig h t to use the water as again st a subsequent claim ant who complies with r u le . I t would seem to me that the source o f water supply in each case mentioned in Mr. Adamson's le t t e r should be asc ertain e d , and i f there is any question about our r ig h t s as fa r as the p o stin g and reco rd in g o f the n o tice is concerned a new n otice should be posted and recorded. In cases where p o stin g and reco rd in g has been made by an in d iv id u a l assign ment o f the same should be made to our company and recorded. In cases where the p ip e lin e crosses government lan d a f i l i n g o f the same should be made in the Land O ffic e in compliance with the Act o f February 15, 1901 (31 S t a t s .790) We have made s im ila r f i l i n g s h e re to fo re .