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Ontf Uoftof Pltou 'tvoompanv ujpduuft- Under P erm it No. 10127 PR O O F O F A PPLIC A TIO N O F W A T E R TO B E N E F IC IA L U S E D EPO SITIO N O F P E R M IT T E E N ote—Questions 1 to 12, inclusive, must be answered regardless of the purpose for which your permit for water has been granted. If this proof is made for irrigation purposes, a cultural map showing actual boundaries of land irrigated, together with classes of culture, etc., must accompany same, unless such map has already been filed. (See Sec. 69, Chapter 140, Statutes 1913.) Question 1. W h at is your nam e, occupation, and post-office address? 4 ' A n sw er: ..... .$*AS_’^^Q;48„„JiM i3..A Sj9..H A .7SR -C lCM PA H T#.-JLda.s..ire_gflL3.>..15AS3iAa.«............................... Question 2. A re you actin g in behalf of a corporation? If so, sta te its nam e, place of business, and your authority, fo r actin g in its behalf. i# | A n sw er: _T®®«..... M * . ? r * 8 . Question 3. W h at is th e num ber of th e perm it under which this proof is m ade? AnswerlQ127-..... Question 4. F ro m w hat source do you obtain you r w ater supply ? A n s w e r : 3 V s X l . A r t ® S i & B ..jBfS_8An ............ .......................................................... ......... Question 5. W h at is th e nam e of th e canal, conduit, or other works by which w ater is conducted to its place of use ? A n sw er: 2 4 i n * & Oaflt 1 * 0 1 1 P i p O l i f t # . ............................................ .................... Question 6. A re you th e person to whom th e p erm it w as issued ? If not, sta te how you obtained it, giving th e succession of title. A nsw er: ........................................... (I f assignments of title are not on file in the ofiice of the State Engineer, the certificate will issue to the original applicant.) Question 7. F o r w hat purpose are you using th e. w ater fo r which you are now m aking proof? A n sw er: « B p g l y d o a e a t i o . ..................................... .......................... ....................................... Question 8. How m any cubic feet per second of w ater, or fraction thereof, have you actually diverted and beneficially used fo r th e purpose fo r which th is proof is made ? (Actual measurement of water shall be given. 40 miners’ inches equals 1 cubic foot per second. 1 miners’ inch equals 11.21 gallons per minute. 448.88 gallons per minute equals 1 cubic foot per second.) A nsw er: Tw o a a fl s e v e n - f & t h * f c , 7 ) ......................-r" v ............ Question 9. S tate th e period during th e y ear when w ater has been beneficially used. A nsw er: . .......... ------------------------------------ --------- ----------- -------------- ------------------ ------------------ Question 10. Do you divert and use m ore w ater a t periods than granted in th e perm it fo r which proof is m ade? I f so, m ake proper explanation. A nsw er: Y ® * » O ttt • * i > O W O » ............ Question 11. Give date when w ater m easurem ents were taken, th e point a t which such m easurem ents were taken and th e nam e and address of persons who made the m easurem ents. 3,ma» ii »lii t t H y m t o i ..... v............... A, M. Folger, 401 South Second Street, Lae Vegae, Nevada.