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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    w m m THE OFFICE OF TBB STATE X M & r X H t OF THE STATS OF N1YABJP IN THE MATTER OF APPXIC TION « | p p i 11077, FII.IO' BY ROBERT B. GRIFFITH, on March 6, 1944, to APPROPRIATE WITHDRAWAL OF PROTEST OF I,AS Y10-AS a f ft WATER COMPANY THE WATERS OF TJNEKRGRGOWD SOURCE. ) _ _ _ _ _ _ ? . __ ___ _ ) Comes now LAS YRGA8 LAI® ft WATER COMPANY, 0 corporation, whose post-office address is 401 South Second Street, las Yogas, Nev­ada, and hereby formally withdraws the protest heretofore filed by it against Application Number 110??, filed by ROBERT B. GRIFFITH on March 6, 1944, to appropriate waters of underground source, and re­quests that said protest fee dismissed. Bated this __________day of June, 1945* LAS VEGAS LAND ft WATER COMPANY By Its tie® President.