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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. Frank Strongs * October 11, 1943 « 33-1-B My attention Mas bean directed to an application for permission to drill a water well about a 1/4 mile east of our new Well #11. The application is #11323 by Kenny Searles for l.S SF to Irrigate ISOA-ln tbe SS/S! Section 33 TS 20 S H 61 E. This application calls to mind a situation which is still growing worse in the las Vegas Artesian Valley, 1 understand permits to appropriate water hare already been issued cowering more water than there is in the under-* ground channel. You will recall our first protest in the riffith application was none too successful! unquestionably it mad* the community more conscious of the importance in conserring the underground water supply, but apparently did not change the State Engineer*a policy of approving each application in the absence of a specifio protest. We filed a general protest against drilling of wells in the wicinity of our holdings but were advised no action could be taken on such unless w# fllM a specif1c protest, I believe we discussed the Bonanaa brought in by Mr. lick in the Paradise Valley about § weeks ago where he produced a flow of 3,000,000 Q.P.Bay. A well of this kind on the Searles acreage would undoubtedly affect the production of our wells. W till be glad to have you discuss this with Mr. Bennett and advise whether we should take any action at this time. ecs Mr. E, 1. Bennett Mr, L. A. Me lames WALTER R. BRACKS!