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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, August 28 , 1935* Mr. Leo A. HcNamee: When Mr. Jeffers m s out here on his last trip he seemed quite disturbed about the local political situation in Las Vegas, and thou^it possibly we were not paying close enough attention to the activities of the County Conrols si oners and the City Gotnrr.l sal oners. I bei not familiar with the practice of those two bodies in holding meetings, nor as to whether those meetings are public or behind olosed doors* I was wondering, however, If during the present agitation for municipal ownership, etc,, it might not be possible for you to arrange to attend the meetings of these two bodies, In order that you mi^it keep an eye on their activities and forestall anything being slipped over on the Water Company or the Railroad. I doubt if this agitation will continue very long,and suggest that if possible you arrange to attend such meetings for the next few months in order that we may not be criticized for anything which might occur of which we were not immediately advised. E. E. Bennett. boo - Mr. Walter R. Bracken Las Vegas, Nevada.