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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    * I i i« His life MAY 141932 At Los Angeles, May 14, 1933. / / jf/ Uana*?? 2 ^ Mr. F. I, Knickerbocker /Mr. A. 9. Kalsted O^r eoaference Mere this morning: Xt ees decided that the Las Tegas Land and la t e r Gomp&my would net purchase the franchise and pipe line system in the Wardie Addition at Las Vegaa, and the lardie Addition.people should be advised accordingly. In lie u th e r e o f, however, i t was decided to o f f e r the la r d ie A ddition people a low er con tract ra te f ° r the purchase o f w ater, end we are w illin g to g ive the® a rate o f f i v e cents per 100 cubic f e e t , w ith a minimusi monthly pc.y»» meat o f tlOO, e f f e c t iv e June 1, 1933. I f they are agreeable to th is w© w i l l r e d ra ft the contract a c c o rd in g ly . If they are met agreeable we will let the matter rest as it is and if it comes to a hearing the Sevsda Oommission will be advised of the offer that we mad®. In the event the other subdivisions desire a similar contract we are willing to give it, with a minimum monthly payment of |10©. 0G-It .W.S.Jeffers Mr.F.h.acSejaee Mr.l.R.Bracken