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z - 5gf?ijr oep Mr. F. H. Knickerbocker: The matter of sewerage fo r Las Vegas and a system fo r the disposal of same was considered in 1909, and from time to time thereafte r u n til 1912, when the present sewerage system was installed# On July 17, 1912, Las Vegas Land & Water Company conveyed to the City of Las Vegas § acre of land and a certain right o f way in Sec, 27, T, 20 S ., R* 61 E., for a septic tank and sewer pipes, in consideration of the rig h t to the use of a l l waters flowing out o f or away from the septic tank or disposal system, during the period of time that Las Vegas Land & Water Company would furnish an adequate supply of water to the City of Las Vegas under franchise dated November 1, 1909# On November 1, 1912, Las Vegas Land & Water Company, by agreement and deed, did confirm former deal and conveyed additional right of way. Under the terms of these agreements and deeds, Las Vegas Land & Water Company acquired the righ t to a l l cff the water that flows from the septic tank fo r application to a ben eficial use on the Las Vegas Ranch# Additional sewerage fa c ilit ie s are now required at Las Vegas, and we should arrange with the City to procure, fo r application and ben e ficial use on Las Vegas Ranch, a l l waters flowing through any enlarged sewerage system and away from the disposal plant, wherever it may be, and I think we should convey to the City such easements as i t may require to carry the sewage to a location, the elevation o f which w ill be such that the o u tfa ll can flow by gravity to Las Vegas Ranch* Our present water franchise w ill expire November 1, 1934, and i t would seem to me that now would be a good time to provide, by agreement, that in consideration of easements and conveyances of land fo r sewerage disposal purposes, Las Vegas Land k Water Company should be granted the exclusive righ t, fo r a period of say 25 years, to the use of a l l waters flowing through the existing sewerage system and such additional sewerage fa c ilit ie s as may be constructed. The question of location and character of disposal plant, and disposition of the sewage and water flowing therefrom should be considered before any active move is made to in s t a ll additional sewerage* m Additional Sewerage Disposal System, Las Vegas. A & M . 24 1929 Los Angeles, July 23, 1929* For your information I am attaching copy of previous documents in connection with o rigin al sewerage disposal system, and am returning to you Mr. Bracken’ s file # CC Mr. A. S. H a ls t e d ^ Mr. Walter Bracken Mr. R. L. Adamson Mr. Chas. Adams wh"S. F, R. McNamee