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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    N k DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORKS Wate r m i l l hm diverted frea aald a rtesian haala by raeana o f f | a r tesian to monnov in hiViiaIi itrAtAw "i A i n l. n 3 L 1 1 1 J l . i i RS . . . . S * S ta te m a n n er in w h ic h w a te r is to be d ive rted , w h e th e r b y dam o r o th er w o rk s, w h e th er th rou gh pip es, ditches, flumes, o r o th er conduits. I f w a te r ----»ell drilled at the point of .aiyaral-nn tn n depth af 323 and cased is to be stored in re servoirs, i t should be so sta ted and th e loca tio n o f th e re s e rv o ir should be g iv e n w ith re fe re n c e to th e le g a l subdivisions. ------ t * m ton to depth of 270 f t a wi th 7 inch casing: also eased at tow ------ ss&fh 1 0 iaeh eafll ftfif tft rtflnfrh of- 41 ft.A end wim itad In end eontral ------ on oawlnig; Ivhenoe by m a im o f 3 inoh pipe lino to place o f use * 5. Estimated cost of works _______________________________________ 6 . Estimated time required to construct works_____OoiaplifitaA.,____________ .there used f o r household tsursosas aad i r r i g a t i o n o f la w m and ahrufea ? and la nl ao piped to c o rra l s and and used to w ater stock at a i l M a d e aad in connection w ith d airy ^ _______________________________________ This is to certify that I have examined the foregoing application, and do hereby grant the same, subject to the following limitations and conditions: The amount of water to be appropriated shall be limited to the amount which can be applied to beneficial use, and not to exceed_________________ cubic feet per second. Actual construction work shall begin on or before_________________ _______ Proof of commencement of work shall be file d b e f o r e _________________ Work must be prosecuted with reasonable diligence and be completed on or before • . . _____ ' Proof of completion of work shall be file d before_____________ ____________ Application of water to beneficial use shall be made- on or before________ -----— -------------------------- - Proof of the application of water to beneficial use must be file d with State Engineer on or before_________________ F o r use o f ap p lica n t I pony Las Vegas Land ant Wat e r Com/ Applicant By Tie# President Compared. This sheet inspected. , Engineer OF STATE ENGINEER WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this. day of S ta te E n g in e e r.