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upr000285 181


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    1206 A' w e s t e r n " 1 U N IO N N E W C O M B C A R L T O N . P R E S ID E N T J . C . W I L L E V E R . F IR S T VIC E -PR E S ID E N T Send the follow ing message, subject to the terms on back hereof, which are hereby agreed to Loa Angelas, Sen, 21, 1938 PUBLIC SimVICS COMMISSIOH ' ,‘^ j R ' JAH 29 CAR30H CITY, i s m LAS VHQAS LAHD AMD W&flM COMPANY STILL HBOOTIATIRG PURCHASE SOOTH NEVADA LAND AND DEVELOPMENT COMPAHY STOP MILL ADVISE RESULT HEAR FUTURE JlCLASS OF SERVICE DESIRED’ D O M E S T IC C A B L E J^EGRAM FULL RATE ^ ^ ^ E T T E R DEFERRED NIGHT MESSAGE X CABLE LETTER NIGHT LtSTTER VVE£K END ' LETTER Patrons should cheek class of service deslbed; otherwise message w ill be *'Nv transmitted as a full-rate • \ communication._____ ( Frank #8071 P. R, MCHASfKE WESTERN UNION GIFT ORDERS SOLVE THE PERPLEXING QUESTION OF WHAT TO GIVE