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    A W / Lo b A n g e le s , C a lifo rn ia , March 6, 1050* 431 P a c ific E le c t r ic B u ild in g , r n ia , P ro o f o f a p p lic a tio n o f water to b e n e fic ia l use by Los Angeles & S a lt Lake R.R* under Permit #7200. Hon* Seorge W. Malone, State Engineer, Carson C ity , Bevada, Dear Mr. Mai cases In the above e n tit le d matter I am en closin g you here­w ith p ro o f o f a p p lica tio n o f water to b e n e fic ia l use, v e r ifie d ?" by our C h ief Engineer, Mr. R. L. Adamson, togeth er w ith check f o r §31*00, being §10*00 fo r each secon d-foot o r fr a c tio n th ere­o f o f water applied f o r , and § 1*00 f o r recordin g c e r t if ic a t e w ith the County Recorder o f Clark County, Nevada. Under separate cover I am m ailin g you o r ig in a l tra c ­in g map and on© blue p rin t showing poin t o f d iv e rs io n and manner o f a p p lic a tio n to b e n e fic ia l use, e t c . , a l l o f which I x- tru s t you w i l l fin d in o rd e r. Yours very tr u ly . FRM-MK F. R. McBamee cc Mr. A. S. Halstecr Mr. R. L. Adamson Mr. Leo A. McNamee ssyy