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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Water righ ts - Lag Vegas. Los Angelos, Oct* 29, 1924* Mr. A* Up Halstedi On September 12, 1924, in compliance with Mr. Knicker­bocker*^ le tte r addressed to Mr. F, 1 , P e ttit, Ji»., under date of August 16th, carbon copy to me, w© f ile d application ap p li­cation on behalf of Las Vegas Land & Water Company fo r j© m issio n to appropriate 5.62 second fe e t fo r irrig a tio n purposes; on the same date we f i le d application on behalf o f Las Vegas Land and Water Gompany fo r permission to appropriate 2.3 second-feet fo r muni­cipal purposes, and on the same date f i le d on behalf o f Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Co. application fo r permission to appropriate 2.5 second-feet, fo r ra ilro a d purposes. Publication was completed on October 10, 1924, and fo r a period o f th irty days thereafter, any person interested may f i l e with the State Engineer a written protest against the granting of said application. However, I do not anticipate any protest to these applications, and on November 1 0 t h -- i f none are f i l e d — they w i ll be complete. I am s t i l l of the opinion that we should- i f p ossible-control the flow of the w ell by capping, and I f - as Mr, Maguire states, this is inadvisable, we should take steps to prepare the land- both east and west o f the ra ilro a d - fo r an early applica­tion to a ben e ficial use o f a l l of the waters ris in g and flowing from this w ell. FRM-h F. B. MOHAVE