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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Office of T. E. GIBBON, San Pedro, Los Angeles Salt Lake Railroad CpMPANY , Third Vice-President and General Counsel. Los Angeles, Cal., August 22, 1906. Mr. T. E| Gibbon, General Counsel, Los Angeles, Cal. My Dear Mr. Gibbon: I have ju s t returned from Las Vegas and w h ile there made a t r ip to the springs and r e s e r v o ir from which' the town o f Las Vegas is supplied w ith water, and from which the tra in s o f the company are also supplied w ith water, and in view o f the fa c t th at there is a p o s s ib ilit y o f our becoming lia b le le g a lly fo r damages, in the event th at the con ditions as they now e x is t are allow ed to continue, I thought i t b est to c a l l the matter to your a tte n tio n and rep o rt to you f u lly the conditions as I found them. Nothing has been done towards enclosing the springs or r e s e r v o ir to prevent animals th at range at la rge in that l o c a lit y from wading in to the stream flo w ir g from the springs to the r e s e r v o ir and a lso wading in to the r e s e r v o ir. I found near the stream flow in g from the springs in to the r e s e r v o ir the carcass o f a burro th at was p u lled out o f the stream midway between the springs and r e s e r v o ir about a month ago s t i l l ly in g near the banks o f the stream, and in a d d itio n I n o ticed the carcasses o f two other animals ly in g along the banks o f the stream, th at I am informed were taken therefrom w ith in the la s t s ix months. In addition , I found that the banks o f the stream and the banks around the r e s e r v o ir and springs were covered w ith the droppings from c a t t le and other animals th at are allowed fr e e access to these p laces, and th is f i l t h , when i t ra in s h e a v ily as i t has