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    W M . R. AUG 28 1951 August 27, 1951 4747-11-64 Sara 1 Mr. Robert A. A lle n , Chairman, F u b lio Service Commission o f Nevada Carson C ity , Nevada. Dear Mr. A lle n : As you know, the Las Vegas Land and Water Company has h ere to fo re f i l e d an a p p lic a tio n and l a t e r f i l e d an amended a p p lic a t io n f o r emergency r e l i e f by amending o e rta ln o f i t s ru le s and re g u la tio n s . The purpose o f the a p p lic a tio n w s to permit the Water Company to lim it i t s se rv ic e s to the customers now served in view o f the p re v ela n t b e l i e f a t the time the a p p lic a tio n was f i l e d , th at there would be a severe w ater shortage, in the City o f Las Vegas th is summer. However, a s you know, in sp ite o f the lo n g heat-wave they have had down th ere, they have had frequent and unusual thunder showers which have r e lie v e d the s itu a tio n to some exten t. Under the circum stances, we have decided to f i l e an amendment to our a p p lic a tio n and am herew ith d u p lic a te o r ig in a ls th e re o f. 1 fra n k ly b e lie v e that we w i l l have to have some such r e l i e f next summer u n less the Las Vegas V a lle y Water D is t r ic t succeeds In Iro n in g out i t s d i f f i c u l t i e s and b rin g s in t Lake Mead as you a re , o f course, fa m ilia r with the that the sn o w fa ll in the mountains has been extremely low the l a s t two w in ters and a ls o , that we were unable to secure any a u th o rity to i n s t a l l meters from the L e g is ­la tu re a t the l a s t se ssio n . For that reason, I am keeping th is a p p lic a tio n on f i l e with the thought that I t might be set down f o r an e a rly h earin g or granted by ex p arte o rd e r, i f the s itu a tio n re q u ire s such a ctio n . h T r* very tru ly yours Enc Wm. Reinhardt Bennett ? I n wm