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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas Land and Water Company Expenses Executive Vice President, Wm. Reinhardt, devoted a substantial part of his time to the affairs of the Water Company and it is conservatively estimated the expense amounted to $1,125 per annum, $1 ,125,00 Engineering expense incurred by Industrial Engineer Adamson and Asst, Industrial Engineer Maag during 1949 in planning and supervising improvement and rehabilitation work incident to water distribution amounted toi Time Expenses R* L, Adamson Ind, Engr, $295.92 ¥295.92 L, R, Maag Total Assistant During 1950 subdivision development continued at an accelerated rate and in addition several large projects were undertaken: 1, Downtown transmission main in alley south of Fremont St, 2, Extension of Transmission Main in Stewart St, 3. Construction of new Shop and Garage Bldg, 4. Inventory of entire distribution system, all of which required considerable engineering, office and drafting expense and as a result, the 1950 expense incurred incident to Items 1 to 3 amounted to: inclusive Time Expenses and Item 4 Time Expenses Ind, Engj Adamson $419.22 48.25 Assistant $27..6335 66l*46 Total $426.57 50.88 ¥^77! 45 q 785. Total Engineering $1,262.84