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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V ?a Prior to April, 1948, Mr. Jopling states we had a meter in the old power house which he did not think was very accurate hut which was read each month and it is his opinion that the distribution of the total Power Company^ bill was made in a very arbitrary sort of manner, and that the Water Company was consistently undercharged. He seems of the opinion if the Railroad Company wanted to go to the trouble to do so they could use the present meter readings and claim a considerable undercharge against the Water Company for the past several years. Mr. Cotmler says that the charge for energy furnished Booster Pump is the booster ptssp on coach hydrant line at depot and has nothing to do with water producing faeilties. Only well circuits #1 and #2 supply electric energy for water well facilities. 1. E. Maag