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    \ I. II. III. IV. V. VI. 1 V II. ? INTRODUCTION Purpose and Scope of Investigation HISTORY OF COMPANY 1. Historical Background 2. Corporate Organization 3. Management PRESENT OPERATIONS L, Extent of Service 2. Growth 3. Plant Facilities and Map Showing cGP Properties and Service Area 4. Swing from Railroad to Utility Use 5. Rates 6. Conservation of Water 1 2 2- 3 3- 4 4- 5 5- 7 7- 3 8- 9 9-11 12 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1. Introduction 13 2. Balance Sheet» December 31* 1949 14 3. Income Statement) year ending December 31» 1949 15 4. Profit and Loss Account 15 RESULTS OF OPERATION 1. Revenues (Table I) 2. Expenses (a) Discussion by accounts (b) Cost of Wholesale Water 1. As "Joint Facility Rents 2. On revised basis w (c) Taxes 3. Fixed Capital and Rate Base (a) Bases used (b) Fixed Capital 1. Land 2. Improvements 3. Watertight® (c) Rate base (d) Depreciation reserve requirements (e) Customer advances in aid of construction 4. Summary of Results of Operation 16- 17 17- 24 2 4-26 27 2 7-28 29- 30 30- 31 31- 32 32- 35 36 36-38 38-40 41-42 RATES AND CUSTOMER SERVICE. 1. Classes of Customers 2. Rate Tariffs now in effect 3. Proposed Increases 4. Comparative Water Consumption $. Comparative Cost of Water 6. Average Dollar Billing and Purchasing Value of Dollar CONCLUSIONS APPENDIX