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    R U L E S A N D R E G U L A T I O N S 1. W a te r rates shall be due and payable on the first day of each month for water furnished during the previ­ous month, and shall be delinquent on the 15th. 2. W h e re two or more services supply the. same prem­ises or consumer, each w ill be rated as a separate service. 3. W a te r rates or charges will be Charged-for all serv­ices whether the premises are occupied or not until sup-plv shall be, in writing, ordered shut off. 4. A ll water rates and charges shall be charged against the property on which it is furnished, and against the owner thereof, and no change of ownership or occupancy will affect the application of this rule. # 5. The owner of the property on which water is fur­nished will be charged for all the damage done to meters through which such water is furnished, and if meters are injured or tampered with, the water may be shut off, and the service discontinued- without' notice, 6. W h e n water is turned; off for.’ vacancy a' written 'or-der will be required before, again turning on.’ 7. The grantee reservesI the right to shut off water without notice for the purpose of m aking repairs or ex­tensions. 8. Bills w ill be delinquent on the 15 th of each month and if not paid at the company's office on or before that date, 25 cents w ill be added for collection and delin: quency, and a collector will call at the premises and re-, ceive payment, or. leave, final notice, and if bill remains unpaid five days after date thereof, the water w ill be shut off, and will not be turned on again either for the then occupant of the premises or for any" subsequent occupant except on payment of the full amount due, and one dollar added thereto for collection, delinquency and turning on. A ll bills are held against the property.' 9. The rate for any service not herein specially enum­erated by the month or otherwise, shall be fixed b y the grantee herein and the municipality. ' 10. Subject to the provisions of this grant_and to the foregoing schedule of rates and charges the grahteevherei in, its successors and assigns, may make, any and all rules and regulations, subject to the approval of the municipal­ity, as heretofore laid down, governing the user of water and to prevent any w aste thereof by consumers during the life of this franchise. L a s'V e g a s , Nevada,. . N ovem ber 1, 1909. v LAS VEGAS LAND A N D WATER COMPANY SCHEDULE OF WATER RATES A N D Ru les and Regulations Effective December 1,1909