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Mareh 4, 1929. Mr. fa lt e r B. Bracken, Vice-President and Agent, la s Vegas land and la te r Company, las Vegas, Bevada. Bear S ir: Please re fe r to yoar le t t e r February 25, at which time you fam ished oopy o f Form 14 showing water rates at las Vegas and requested expression regarding meter rate to he charged for water sold at wholesale; also, to recommend type o f meter to he used, Baring 1928 City o f la s Vegas used 535,089,200 g a llons o f water which, according to the charges made daring that year, cost approximately 2.2 cents per thousand gallons, and to this figure should he added such charges as you may have fo r handling water in order that the to ta l cost may he determined. I t is my opinion that this figu re would not he in excess o f three or four cents. Should i t therefore he decided that meters are to he used in the manner set forth in your le t t e r , it is my opinion that a charge o f fiv e or six cents would he proper; however, i t is my understanding that the General Manager’ s o ffic e is giving consideration to these features and would suggest that Mr, Knickerbocker he conferred with prior to making fin a l decision. fhe meter rates set fo rth in Form 14 amount to 16.71 cents per thousand gallons fo r the f i r s t 6000, and then 13.36 cents per thousand gallons additional. Shis is a very high rate as compared with cost set forth above, and from the wording on Form 14 i t would appear that this rate is optional with the consumer; that is , consumer cannot he required by Water Company to in s ta ll meter at his expense and pay this rate unless application is made by him to do so. I t occurs to me that Form 14 is not applicable outside o f Clark’ s townsite, as I understand that franchise and