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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    / c OCT C 23 1929 i t S i Q, ,<v/ y /T iXX « MW . • WM « Uf pJ Cu>Xyt- “LVS y«? y * '1 jfciG3 All^G-L0S^ Q c t O O G l 3 2 j X0£>0 4 We have been authorised 1mr mir executives t; take steps to obtain an increase in the rates charged by Las Vegas Land and Water Company for water sold at Las Vegas * Incident to that proceeding, i t has been pro­posed to increase the book value o f L. J * Xj 4 ctncl u « u oiii* our Valuation Department,, including the the water oany * s water f a c ilit ie s to meet value placed thereon bhe value of th Mr® Adamson has prepared several .formation with respect to His le t t e r to me October 9, to therein., is enclosed. itse iX fX, 4 To that end jhr a. Ai schedule s showing pert inent cost of :water a4. Xu* Vli*di'/' Xu point t oge 4*‘V» with t ables re ferr I pre sume t here i the' ?w ate r its e l f shouId not f inaillty,. be determ.ined upon, TV i t XT the . VJXAlCftv %w> Xw Av.' XTlr bc?> VJus LfJU "lX] 1 appr ther eto, together IT«?T; A1 XUh any Kindi y XT P "Vf iullt.rn the c ap r ia l1zed, i f oroceedin X XU. ii.dtf a0. is^r n?tv oh-.u.e l. rnc i"i to o ffe r . cc Mr. R. L. Adamson, Mr * F. Fu McHamee