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    VEGAS, N E V A D A PAGE T H R E E M MER of the ots in for the l.oren-super-nm ing, rig the >d f e ­a t all gian t be the ‘y. T'O- tprove- 2000 >gether ion of oil ice ou will eople,” -E d na busi- | Wed- F o u r jay. NEW SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES FILED B Y LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY IN LIEU OF ALL EXISTING SCHEDULES NOW IN EFFECT, FOR WATER AND WATER SER­VICE IN THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARE COUNTY, NEVADA^ TO­GETHER WITH RULES AND REGULATIONS AFFECTING SAME: 5 E F F E C T I V E : J u n e 1 , 1 9 1 1 * CANCELS i AH '"'Existing schedule^ of rates and charges, and all rules and regulations affecting same. From and after the effective date hereof, LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY will charge the respective classes of water users with­in the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, the following flat monthly rates.. ^ { ‘ , « r .1 <*,*» S C H E D U L E A P A R T M E N T H O U S E S— each ap artm en t w ith­out to ilet o r bath ,........................................ .$ 2.00 E ach ap artm en t, bath and toilet included (th is ra te applies only w here all ap artm en ts ?'are 'served f r o m '’one se rv ice ’line and a p a rt­m ent , house owner assum es paym ent fo r all services) ...... . .................. 2.50 B A K E R Y . ..............................................1........................ 2)00 B A K E R Y & C O N F E C T IO N E R Y COM BIN ED ................. .............................................................. . 2.50 B A R B E R SH O P— Two ch airs or less ......... 3.00 - E ach additional c h a i r ..... A....................- •'•'B0 B A T H T U B S AN D S H O W ER B A T H S— Public— in hotels, lodging or room ing houses, public buildings or blocks, barb er shops, hospitals, ap artm en t houses, bungalow .or cabin cou rts, gym nasium s, clubs, service station s, etc. F o r the f i r s t tub or show er ...............1.00 F o r each additional tub o r show er......... . .75 BUN G ALOW . CO U RTS— E ach single house or cabin w ithout bath o r .to i le t............... -....... 2.00 E a c h single house or. c a b in .: w ith bath or t o i l e t '........................... 2.5Q B LA C K SM IT H SH O P— One fo rg e ................ ,1.00 E a ch additional fo rg e ........... :............ .50 B R IC K M A N U F A C T U R E R S & Y A R D S— W heth­er m anufactured from clay, cem ent, gy p ­sum, adobe or o th er m aterial— p er 1,000 . t brick p er month ......... , . , ^................ . .20 IG T ^ U K R ’sf|(j 3 P . . , 2.00 C A N D Y M A N U F A C T U R E R ..... f ...................... 2.00 C A B IN S OR T E N T H O U S E — (S ee. Bunglaow C ou rts). C H U R C H ES ' A.:....-..... ...........£ ..................................F R E E C IG A R M A N U F A C T U R E R 2.00 COOLING W A T E R FO R R E F R IG E R A T IN G M A C H IN E— 1-2 ton m achine or less 1.00 Betw een 1-2 and 1 -ton m achine .............. 2.00 I* F o r each ton over 1 t o n ........,........................ 1.00 C O U N TY COURT H O U S E AND GROUNDS— . - t .... ? ? . A.. ‘8.33 C LU B R O O M S -W ith b ar, b u t no sleeping , q u arters or, dining room .................. 3.00 C O N C R ET E OR C EM E N T W O RK— P e r cubic yard ........................ ............................. ..................04 C O N FE C T IO N E R Y ST O R E ............................... 2.00 C O N FE C T IO N E R Y ST O R E— aiiid candy or ice dream fa cto ry combined ....................... 4.00 C R E A M E R Y ...............!,............1...................... 2.00 D RUG S T O R E . ........ ' si*............* ..... 2.00 D YEIN G : & C L E A N IN G E S T A B L IS H M E N T S — I H i « p M W I ...... .............................. 2.00 F O U N T A IN S W IT H J E T ........................ 3.50 F O U N D R Y .................... 12,50 G A RA G E— Public ....................., ................... _*im ' W ith w ash ra ck ...IV.:............... ...................... 4.00 H A L L S — Public, social or dancing .............. 1.00 H O S P IT A L S— 10 room s o r less ................. , 2.50 E ach additional room ................................ ........ ,20 H O T E L S , LODGING OR ROOMING H O U S E S— 10 rooms or less. .................... .......................... 2.50 E ach addtiional room .......................... ......... .20 H O T E L S— Toilet— p rivate fo r A room each ,15 Toilet— p rivate fo r 2 room each ....... .25 B ath— p rivate, fo r 1 room each ....... .15 B ath— p rivate fo r , 2. rpom each ........... .25 H O U S E— P riv ate residence o r dwelling occupied by one fam ily, 5 room s or less .............. 2.00 E a ch additional room ............ .15 B athtub or shower in dwelling each .... .25 T oilet ...... ..............„ ........... .......................... .. .25 E a ch e x tr a Y am ily ........................................... 1.00 (W a t e f '’fori ’^watering law ns, trees, flow ers, gard en a n d sh riib b e ry , exclusive o f tru ck gardens, upon sam e lo t upon which p rivate dwelling is located, included in foregoin g, provided a re a of such lot does not exceed 7.000 square feet. F o r each additional 140 square fe e t or fractio n th ereof : over, 7,000 square fe e t $.06.) ! ; t " ?. . j |" " IC E C REAM FA C T O R Y ..... i..... 2.00 L A U N D R Y — S team ............................1 .............. 30.00 or Special C on tract M U N IC IP A L B U IL D IN G S belonging to th e C ity Of L a s V egas and grounds exclusive of pub­lic p arks .............................................. F R E E O F F IC E — Bank, E x p re ss, P rofessional, R eal E s ta te , in su ran ce, P rin tin g, etc. E a ch 1.00 O F F IC E B U IL D IN G S— 10 room s o r less .... 2.00 E a ch additional room ...... 15 PH O TO G RA PH G A L L E R Y ........ 2.00 P L A S T E R IN G — P e r square yard ............................01 P U B L IC P A R K S -i.i................ Special C on tract R E S T A U R A N T , EA T IN G H O U S E S OR C A F E S ................................ H ........2.50 SCH OOLS— Public, and grounds occupying one city block ...... ,........ ..............;........................... 10.00 Public, and grounds occupying less th an one city Mock ....................................................................5.50 SH O W ER B A T H -?S ee B ath Tub— Public. S E R V IC E STA TIO N — N o t including bath and to ilet ...B e .. 1....... 1............... 2.00 SODA FO U N T A IN in connection w ith sto re 1,00 SODA M A N U F A C T U R E R , BO TTLIN G W O R K S ................ .. .......... ........................... 2;oo S T E A M B O IL E R — F o r h eatin g bldg. ......... 1.00 , . .F o r'p o w e r not. over .50 ,h. p. &.00 S TO R E OR SH O P— E x ce p t as herein spec, ra te d --........*...........:->•................— ............................. 1,50 SW IM M ING PO O LS or T A N K S , C onstant flow ............. ...................... .........................Special C on tract 9.000 cubic feet cap acity or less, filled th ree tim es per.w eek Or less and then only betw een hours of 8 p. m. and 6 a. m..._.................... 30.00 W a te r to ,be turned o ff im m ediately in case of fire alarm . A ll -w ater fro m sw im m ing pool or tan k t o ’ be drained into sew er and not otherw ise. T R U C K G A RD EN — P e r square fo o t ............... 001 W A S H R A C K FO R A U T O M O B IL E S ......... 2.00 W A T E R C LO SE T , T O IL E T O R U R IN A L — Pub- ? lie in Kotel lod gin g o r room ing house, public b u ild in g'p r; block ,' barber: rshbP, hospital, „ . -ap artm en t .house,, .bungalow co u rt o r cabin court, gym nasium , club, service station , etc., E ach .......... ............................ .....................50 P riv ate in S tore, Office* Shop, F a c to ry , etc., ........................................................................... ,,........ .50 W A T E R FR O M F I R E P L U G S fo r extinguishing fire, fire p ractice and testin g fire plugs, fo r s tre e t sprinkling and f o r flushing streets and sew ers .....:.......„................ ................. F R E E W A T E R FO R O N E P U B L IG D RIN K IN G FO U N - T A IM .........— ~ .*..1..................p;*................ F R E E : RULES AND REGULATIONS during I f :a ^ & th e f i r s t day of each “ <>nth fo r w a te r furnished thev2^ ^ J atae r rateS l ! ? o t Paid by the 1 5 th day of the m onth in which th e y become due, such bill! b 0m ® delinquent and a ch arg e of tw en ty -fiv e cents ($ .2 5 ) shall thereupon be added to ow, of ®u<* delinquency will be given to th e consum er personally or by m ail, and if th e §|||f|||o f , t he wnter rate's to g eth er w ith th e delinquent ch arg e is not paid w ithin fiv e days from the d ate of such personal notice, o r within fiv e days from the date of m ailing such notice th e s e p a ? a t e ^ e r v i c ? ° j l m<* e- “ V * 568 ^ 7 the sa m e prem ises o r consum er, each; w ill be rated a s separateT^m ted ^0 l ^ H S j elasSes of' uotmmkers are 'servecl b y -o n e ' K . 5> W a te r ra te s or ch arges will be ch arged f o r all services, w hether the prem ises a re occupied or not, until service shall be, m w ritin g, ordered dis continued. 6. W a te r ra te s apd ch arg es shall be ch arg ed a g ain st the owner of the prem ises served. I f W he? s®rvice is discontinued pursuan t t o Rules 2 and 5, it will not be reestablished until a w n tte n order from the owner is received by the Company and, all delinquent ch arg es paid, or un­less the occupant will deposit w ith the Com pany t hemiinimum m onthly W ater ra te o r Charge fo r such service, as secu rity fo r th e paym ent of all w ater c h a rg e s th a t m ay become due. 8. The W a te r Company m ay shut off w ater, w ithout notice fo r the purpose of m aking rep airs o r extensions. , ,9 ' . All service pipes extending from m ains to inside of p rop erty line, w ith proper cu to ff shall be installed and m aintained by and a t the exp en se of the W a te r Company. 10. The Com pany m ay ch arg e E ig h t and 5 0 - 1 0 0 D ollars ($8.50) fo r each tapping of w ater m am s, to be paid by the owner or consum er o rd erin g the s&me. 11. F la t m onthly ra te s fo r an y service n ot h erein specifically rated shall be fixed bv snecial co n tract, subject to the approval of th e Public S erv ice Commission. , , 12v . T*;e Company m ay m ake an y fu rth e r ru les and regulations it m ay deem n ecessary or advis­able subject to th e approval o f th e Public Service Com m ission, , L A S V EG A S L A N D AN D W A T E R C O M PA N Y, A tte st- I t ’s S ecretary . Jk__