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    9 (c) Defense Housing Projects; Subject to the approval of the Public Service Commission, the Company will enter into contracts for the refund of the cost of constructing water mains, ad­vanced by others, to serve Defense Housing Projects, lo­cated adjacent to the existing water mains of the Company, A Defense Housing Project within the meaning of this rule is a project under which the party contracting with the Company constructs within a subdivision, the plat of which has been filed with the County Recorder of Clark County, y Hevada, not less than 20 dwelling houses, but at least 1 dwelling house for each 50 feet of such water mains con­structed within such subdivision. Such contract shall provide that such water mains shall be constructed at the cost of the party contracting with the Company and under the supervision and in accordance with the customary speci­fications of the Company; that such water mains shall be owned, operated, and maintained by the Water Company upon the completion of the construction thereof and that the Com­pany shall refund to the party contracting with the Company the cost thereof if and when said party shall have completed the construction of such defense housing project as herein defined, within twelve {12} months from th© date of said contract. This rule shall remain in effect only during the present national Emergency.