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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    JLos Angeles, April 22, 1943 Mr. Leo A. McNamee; oc - Mr. Walter R. Brack© Mr. Frank Strong In connection with proposed cancellation of Rule 9-0 I wish you would prepare draft of application to the Ne­vada Public Servioe Commission and submit it to me for consideration. I suggest that in the draft you set out a great deal of what otherwise might be testimony at a formal hearing with the hope that the matter might be handled ex parte by the Commission. This would Include the decrease with respect to employment by the McNeil Construction Company, the increased number of houses a-vailable for the employees of the Basic at the Basic plant, the increase in the number of houses under FHA approval in Las Vegas, Including those completed and those under construction or proposed, and any informa­tion with respect to the vacancies in such houses or the occupancy thereof by others than defense workers. This matter should be handled very promptly, as I should like to get this application on file before we have any further requests from promoters for contracts under Rule 9-6. Eo £• Bennett E ll SMB