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    704-35 Mr. Wm. Reinhardt - Los Angeles (CC - Mr. W. H. Hulsizer) This refers to your letter of March 3, 1950, file 1-7334 to Mr. W. H. Hulsizer, and his letter of March 30, 1950, file 3703.1 to me with copy to you. There are attached hereto, two statements showing details of the elements of cost that were capitalized under two representative LVL&W Co. work orders, such as material, labor, etc., as requested in item "A-III - Charges Reflected in Capitalized Plant Additions". All of the expenses reported represent actual cost to the LVL&W Co. (excepting item of $17,350.00 reported on Sheet 2 for work order 515) and there are no indirect company con­struction costs and overhead expenses, nor any company overhead on contract work, included in the investment account. The amount of $17,350.00 represents the estimated depreciated value of the property at time of acquisition by the LVL&W Co. as shown on work order 515. Statements showing costs recorded under two repre­sentative LA&SL RR Co. work, orders will follow in due course. There is also attached a statement showing the infor­mation requested in sub-items "B-I-l. Other Miscellaneous General Expense - Acct.781.28" and "B-I-2. Pensions - Aect.785.2". Additional information will be supplied as developed.