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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    July 19, 1949 a w T # ^ th® officials, and a good many of th® ®oastJB®ra, raise the question of whether the Veter J9 Company is taking any steps to provide additional water, aa* that is the purpose of this letter. I attach copies of eeasttnications on this subset with Mr. Reinhardt, and appreciate the logic of his position that there is no point ** the Voter Company Unresting additional money in the water system if it is going to be acquired by the Water District. Howerar, in ©oaf erenee with the direotors of the Voter District I an advised that they eonld rot be in a position to take over in lees thro two years* And in the interim, It is 8till our responsibility to furnish an adequate supply of water to the City. Besides, any additional investarot ca onr part would certainly be taken into consideration in the final adjustment of Talues* I N d i M th* water shortage la someirhat 1«t not. la a nuuber of lnataneae m California t e n . th. utility la able to offer sons enoouragemnt for tha future ta the vay of additional vail., ato.. and X vould like to ta able to assure our oonauaars that v. ai.0 in t e r * to dOTOlop additional sources to Insure an adequate supply. *ay I advte. than that ve are giving consideration to the providing of additional faeiutlaat W U 1 very n e h appreolate the benefit of your 1 advice. ?®*p? A* £* Stoddard o' co - Mr, Ifla* Bernhardt A* K* Folger