Archival objects in this container: The Learning Center brochure, undated A Guide to Low Income Mediation Assistance report, 1998 Marketing and Communications Strategy report, undated Newsletters, 1998-2000 Obstacles Facing Low-Income Women report, 1999 Public Welfare Foundation Annual Report, 1997 Pulling Apart report, 1997 Reinvesting Welfare Savings report, 1998 State Bonus for Building Coalition: brochure and action kit , 2000 State Income Tax Burdens report, 1999 TANF Data and Other Welfare Reform Research report, 1999 Transitional Work Corporation report, 1999 Welfare and the Economic Status of Women report, 1996 Welfare Reform report, 1997 What Does the Center for Community Change Do? pamphlet, undated Windows of Opportunity report, 2000 Nevada State Welfare Division Eligibility and Payments manual, undated