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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    % 5. To negotiate -with the State of Nevada or the authorities in consol of the water facilities of the BMI for the purchase or lease or utilization in any manner agreed upon of those facilities, as a second acqui­sition of the Water District. 6. As the result Of favorable engineering recommendations, to construct and maintain a connecting pipe line with pumping equipment from BMI to points of distribution where feasible and where demand exists, for the purpose of supplementing the water supply now present in the Artesian Basin. 7. To extend the present service and distribution system to pro­vide water from both the Artesian Basin and the supply line to all points where demand exists and the supply is economically feasible. 8. To negotiate a contract with the Army Air Base, on a demand basis, to supply the requirements of the Base. 9. To supply irrigation water to such points as are economically feasible as relates to delivery costs of such water. 10. To make long range plans to further augment the water supply of the Valley by construction of such works as are necessary to irrigate Class I and Class II irrigable lands in the Valley. Obviously, a program so comprehensive in scope will require large outlays of money in acquisition and construction of works for its accomplish­ment. It is our belief that the money can be raised from the sale of bonds payable solely from the revenues derived from the sale and distribution of the water made available under the plan. These bonds would be retired over a period of years out of the earnings of the District. It is equally obvious that the program, as outlined in the order named, is essential to the procurement of revenue to service the debt and to retire the same. As the plan develops and debt is incurred, existing sources of revenue, such as the present city system, the domestic and industrial - i f -