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I agree.m 3 Mr. Prank Strang: (3) President Coghlan of the Mont go faery Company advises there is apace on the island platform carrying the Basic facilities for a like installation and it seems culty securing use of this space fro a thtehree Smtoautled o bfe N neov addai*ffiuTshee weistthiomuatt e ciosst prteo ditchaet eDids utpriocnt .securing permission for such (*+) A 30,000,000 open reservoir is provided in the LVLAW bfuiteeldd wtio tht hleo ctawot ioenx isstuionhg t chaotw egrreadv rietsye rsvuopiprlsy paeayr mbiet tdiinsgtriblending the treated and untreated waters* Wsey shtaevme inno tahde vniooer tohfer plrye eaennd oes oouft hecrolmyp raerheeanss ivteh adt iswitlrli bpuetrimoint of like handling* (5) Tteo rmtihnea lo nere asetr vHoeinrdesr saorne* designed as open structures similar liminary cWoen shiodperea ttihoins oifnf otrhme aptrioojne cwti*ll be helpful in the preTours truly,