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§ tot Angeles • June 7* 1950 Kr. A. I. Stoddard 1 («wt ** Mr. W. ®. M itic p ) Under date of lo w iy 27* 1^9$ t it t m ia i a latter to Nr* Aaklft to tM A X asked far Instructions at to d a l oar position should bo with n ia ttw to attsnpta nado bjr toa Board of Blraatort of too Las Yogas YaUtt Natar B iatrial towards too acquisition of oar Las Yagas water fa cilitie s. Yarn replied to this aoaanaiaatlaa under data of fobnujr 21, 17*7, year file 177# advtalag that ear position la any dlaaaaaiaBS d a iU ha, "that aar properties ara aat far aala and that while wa ara prohahly aat la pesitiea to bisok too altiaata aeqnlsi-tlaa of aar watar propartios hy tha S&atrlat sad w ill art therefore aetivSly assist say artlaa token hy too Bistriot looking to tha aoqulsition thereof, wa are aat la paaltlaa to aegrtlate far their sale** After diagnosing the astter with yon, X s m a r t far tea nestings la Lea Yagas, sh irt wore held la Oetohar 19*9* She fir s t nesting with nanhers of the Bowed* U tility Geanisaioa was to a degree at their rsgneet they haring notified aa that they had had ooaplalata regarding sons of our water fates and warn preparing to hare a public hearing on the srtjeet. Ve prevailed upon to n , at yen w ill rsaswher, to first hare a private hearing with an la order that eertaia aattere hnrlag to de with the rtele water situation oowld he discussed p ris* to aay public hearing. This they agreed to dt. Ve alee had a hearing with tlia Directors of tha Las Yagas Tallay Vater D istrict at their request. At both of these aeetlaga i t wee peiated oat by hdm pacific represantotlrea end eonfiraed ty representatives ef the le w is State Engineering pepertwent, that the water shortage la X*s Yogas during the earner ef 1997 weald he seen nare sam e than It had haan la 179* end that rigid eeatrel af wasteage waald ha aaaaaaaqr I f a aanplata leak of watar la saw districts af tha eltjr ware to he avoided. X also took occasion at that tlaa to petat aat to the U tility Conwiaoiea that tha ratnxaa r tlr t tha Uniea h u A flt ware waking an t o iv watar operations ware net adequate and served natiaa on then that we would Ilia ea aypll-eatien far an inarease la water rates. Bnrlag tha westing with tha Streetore af the Water D istrict, they advised that toe engineering report, r tlr t they ware having prepared hy a flaw of Boston engineers, was than oenpleted except far a figure aa too value of tha LYXJg watar systsn, r tlr t weald ha aeeeftaery to include la tha report la ardor to ceaplrte tha picture, aad to giro thea a figure r tlr t weald ha aeeeeaafy far thea to have la their preparation far ea alartlaa far tha purpose af voting hands. S gave thaw * round figure af W f-f » l i f e 7 1950 JUN 8 1950 L . C . C . J JUN 20 1950 I L . C. C.