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    hue fegee land n»s i w i so. * nation #i aoooants j£OCUTIV£ ASSlSTAi’-Ji \ 'fteferrinit further to that part of Hr* Jeff ere* let tor dated Isf SA.mS, lie *199, to |*#v«*,amm«i rogmilnf approval o f any devlatlane froo the rtstltr eohedaled ehargee for water furnished %f the iae fe§as Land and «tltr 6ot % # ! } Hr* i M barnse M r # returned fro# la# fegae where they aade an oft-the-groand « a m | of the water situation e« referred to la ay teiogren of July l$#194i, )te*w to, to Messrs* il-,f *a #b Iy and you* A# a result af this survey the fol­lowing oenalaeions are given* Tm ©rder to d e fin ite ae to vneanoy allouanoee to •p a rt-a m t iM M i t bungalow courts and aato eaape, eubjiset to prescribed ninleune* S t eamiet properly bo eooetrued ae a im applying to tiotolo ae b n d ia p a rlfy in ratoe indioatoe the contrary* » S t lik e w ise , u m l be properly o®»# timed a t Ju s tify in g a f l a t per-eentage oontlnuing ever ©hanging housing conditions each ae hero prevailed in U a fegae during m e lo o t tw o*or thro® years* dhould be granted vaeaitey allowances on the basis of aetool veeaneies,- subject to fra e tio a b liity o f application* fh ie i s the only tuny that "appropriate vaeaney allowanoes" eaa be properly fam ed* Review iadieatee that thia oan be dene with-oat additional expene# or inooavenlenee to eith er the Conpany or Ite eueteners* Ae o f Hay 1,1942, without d efin ite authority froa anyone the U s Pegas o ffio e re disoontiaoed vacancy allow­ances to theee eusteuers* fhet action was not in aoeord with ay understanding, i*e * m at mo nattor would roaeln in eta toe quo u n til e l l neoeeeary inveettgatl&as had been eosepieted and was contrary to me Ooaa&esioa** order* St naturally reealted in a niesber o f oanore o f each f u t i li t i e s aithholdlng payuaat o f th eir Mil s a n t ll a satisfactory adjaetaent could bo given then* Aftor discussion o f tho p rao tio a b lllty o f adopting a vacancy allowance progr** fo r these owners on an actual M ela* Mr*Bracken oonearred in mo plan and arranged, 19H, to have oanore of apartnent house*, bung aelfofwe eetoiuTret ed uanldy 10, atahte os oo otnopoel meaobaanieti eteo bflonr mtheen p preavyiionugs b ailelast,h af roeata tbeiatoanht a psphroowpirniga te aaelaltowea mnceerse aaopapldr obpor ieateea pwuotueldd* beI ata dmee iunn dbelrlslteo aoldr etahdayt padmjuMs tf**a r nonthe of Mm am 4u*ie. SftSSl&t aro not included in me dewalstien'e Order ae being