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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    C o n w a y , M o e . H ib b s a F u n s t o n ' • 5. i n our opinion, the additions to and reductions froa the basic purchase price, au reflected herein on Exhibit A and supporting .-exhibits B and C , fairly present such adjustments as are prescribed in .‘action 9 and 10 of the imbject Agreement, with tlie result that the final purchase .urice is hereby determined to be £2.317*27h ‘ 93» Accordingly, the District should receive, upon the close of the escrow, the difference between the C'2,Ii75,OU6.l8 on deposit end the final purchase of v2,317,27ii.93j or £157*771.25, pixie or ninus adjustment for taxes and escrow cnarges to be prorated, between the parties as prescribed in sections 6 and 7 of the agreement. Upon acceptance of the foregoing results by the District’s board of Directors, suggest that the escrow •-‘f'ent be advised accordingly. Yours very truly, CONWAY, MOE, HIBBS k FUSTTON I I /