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I agree.LAS VEGAS LAUD AID WATER COMPART A T O O B m TO l . r . m m Oil motion, dnly node Shi eeeonded, It «ll unanimously RBSCLTID, that '£>« 1# M u g ©f Laa ?#gi«# Serada, ha and heretoy is delegated end authorised to represent and east the rote on behalf of Las Togas Land and Water Company as Its agent at the apeelal eleetien to he held at Las Togas, Sereda, on September 30, 1953, pursuant to resolution adopted by the Direetors of Las Togas Talley later Diatrtet on August 21, 1953, which special eleetion Is for the purpose of rotlag on a preposed bond Issue la the amount of #9,700,000 to finance the construction Mad purchase of water production and distribution facilities of Las Tsgas Land sad Tatar Company, Las Vegas, Sands, I, W,S•Johnson, Soorotary of Las Togas Land hereby certify tahnadt Wtahtee rs Choomrpea nayn,d fdoo r#* gaodionpgt elda b ay ttrhuoe Bcooapryd ooff rDeisrooloutteirso no dfuly mLaasst iTnsgga osf L asnadid s Baoda rWda toerf Cdoimrpeacntyo,r s ahto lad at tho offioo of tho C«*any in the City ©f Lea Angelos and Stats of California wohni tchho a1 5qtuhor duma yw oafs pSraepsteenmtb,er, 1953, at unto suXbSa eWrXlTbSeEd8 a3y W nHEaRmEeO Fa,n dX ahfafrien ehde rteheseal of add 6amp any on this lf»th day of September, 1953*