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by reason of the retirement of any property removed or retired pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of this agreement. (c) If the ledger value on the sale date of the automotive equipment, shop equipment and materials and supplies transferred to the District by the Water Company on the sale date is less than the ledger value of such property owned by the Water Company on September 1, 1952, as stated in said Section 1(h) hereof, the difference shall be deducted from the basic purchase price. (d) All advance payments for water service credited to Account 26l— Miscellaneous Unadjusted Credits of the Water Company upon the sale date for water service to be thereafter performed, and the District hereby agrees, effective on the sale date, to credit all customers with the amounts of all unused portions of said advances for water service made by such customers and credited to said account as of the sale date. (e) That portion of any sums of money deposited with the Water Company as advances for the construction by the Water Company of water mains under contracts made pursuant to Rule 9 of its said Rules and Regulations which the Water Company has not expended upon the sale date for the purposes stated in said contracts. Said unexpended sums of money shall be retained by the Water Company on and after the sale date. Section 11. It is understood that the Water Company has outstanding contracts with certain subdividers or applicants for water service made pursuant to Rule 9 of its said Rules and Regulations under which such subdividers or applicants (a) have deposited sums of money with Water Company as advances for the construction by the Water Company of certain water mains, or (b) have at their own expense constructed and conveyed to the Water Company certain water mains to serve properties developed or being developed by such subdividers or applicants subject to refund of the cost pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Water Company on file with the Public Service Commission of the State of Nevada. 27.