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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    3U8JtCr: Account in?, Requirements - Nevada public Service Commission. September, 4, 1934. »r. C. C. Barry: Replying to your letter of August 35th upon the above subject, your file A-150-1, and returning herewith attachments: I sent you a copy of my letter of August 27th to the Public Service Commission of Nevada. Upon returning to my office today I find a reply reading as follows: 11 This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 27th, 1924, in which you re­quest additional'information as to the matters to be discussed at the conference set by this Commission for September 25th, 1924 regarding uni­form classification of accounts for Public Util­ities in Nevada. "This Commission has adopted classifi­cations of accounts for water, electric and gas utilities endorsed by the National Association of Railway Commissioners and endorsed by the American Gas Association and the National Electric Light Association. The Conference will deal prin­cipally with the classification of accounts pre­scribed for electric utilities and more particu­larly with the methods of accounting for deprecia­tion. later Companies will therefore not be affect­ed by any changes which might be made. The notice, however, was forwarded to all Utilities in order that they should have opportunity to appear and present any views they saw fit." You will note that »Water Companies will therefore not be affected, by any changes which might be made. Gur company may, however, have an interest in connectiofi with its furnishing of light and power at Las Vegas. Whether this in terest is sufficient to warrant attendance you can best judge. at the conference Fred Pettit,jr. (Enclo.5 oc— Mr. Walter Bracken, Las Vegas, Nevada. FEP 3