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I agree.P age 4. y 4- 26-24 4-27-24 4-28-24 4-29-24 4 - 30-24 5 - 1-24 5—2—24 5-3-24 5-4-24 Work on anchor p it . Work on anchor p it . Bracing anchors with I 2 |lxl2*3t20, i F i lli n g anchor p it - putting on 15, f t c a sin g - p u llin g about 1200 pressure. D rille d , 10 f t red and white clay. Ran 10 ft. white and red clay and shale. Ran 9 f t clay. Put ad d itio n a l bracin g on jacks by using 12x12x20 and flo o rin g f o r d irt caught the d riv in g to o l s lip in bottom of.scow and have i t out of hole - d r ille d 11 f t . o f clay. Ran 27 f t in clay. 5-5-24 5-6^24 5-7-24 D r ille d 16 f t in clay , sand and g ra v e l. Ran 30 f t in cement g ra v e l - flow of water increased. D r ille d 24 f t in cement g ra v e l - fis h in g scow 2 h r s - scow pin s t i l l in h ole. 5-8-24 Flow in creasing - fish in g fo r scow pin 5 h rs. Pin in hole has been very detrim ental to scows - no success in gettin g i t out. D r ille d 20 f t in cement g ra v e l. 5-9-24 Pain tin g R ig. 5-10-24 Painting Rig. 5-12-24 Mr. Bracken had d r i lli n g cease u n t il orders are received from llaquike. D r ille d 5 f t w e ll to depth of 635 f t at which depth it was completed. 5-13-24 Work on Rig 5-14-24 In s t a llin g weights - w ater measures 210 inches. 5-15-24 to 5-28-24 Cementing around w e ll - capping and removing equipment