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    BW B g f v-pill May 25, 1954 Mr. Ernest B. Clary, P. 0. Box 1546, Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Mr. Clary: Referring to your letter of May 19, 1954, relative to aetjhaf. specifications for the drilling of a gravel-packed^ell at- Las Vegas: Confirming our telephone conversation today, I do not have specifications for a gravel-packed well. However, the procedure In drilling and completing a gravel-packed well is In accordance with the method I described to you on the telephone, and I am sure that If you contact the well drilling companies listed below and discuss the matter with them, you will be able to prepare a suitable set of specifications: B3a0r2b0e rE mp&i rBer idAvgeen uDer,illing Co., Ltd. Burbank, California Telephone: Victoria 9-2011 Roscoe Moss Co., 4360 Worth St., Los Angeles 63, California Telephone: ANgelus 1-4185 It is my understanding that you contemplate pre­paring a set of specifications for the drilling of a gravel- packed water well for the Las Vegas District School Board on Sec. 21, Twp. 20 South, Range 62 East, about 4i? miles east of North Las Vegas. For your Information, Las Vegas Ltahne d parnodp eWrattye ra t Cotmhipsa nyl ocdaitdi onno.t sell to the School District RLA-d Yours very truly, (Signed) R. L. Adamson MAY 25 1954 Li.