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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. Walter R. Bracken Los Angeles - May 3, 19^5 733^ I have your letter of May 2nd, file WO-5 16 , showing relative payrolls at BMI and other companies as of February 1 and May 1. This is Just the Information we want, and is going to be quite helpful in our argument with WPB for the enlarged project. However, Just before we submit the request (if the expenditure is approved by New York) I will advise you so we can make a last minute check, and possibly improve the differential. Please advise if my understanding is oorreot that Stauffer Chemical Co. has taken over, or is about to take over production of chlorine and caustic soda, supplanting BMI in this work; alBo please advise what war produot Western Electrochemical Co. is producing. Frank Strong